Wednesday 6 January 2010

Regional accents thrive against the odds in Britain - Times Online

I am a great fan of regional accents: well some; I have difficulty with the Estuary glottal stop and some Scouse accents, for the reason I am unable to understand them. Regional accents and a variety in the way we speak is music to the ears. I was therefore delighted to read the following article.

Regional accents thrive against the odds in Britain - Times Online

My only comment is to keep speaking in a regional accent. However, remember your grammar. Remember Alesha Dixon as a judge. She had a strong Southern accent, but it was her lack of basic grammar that annoyed people, and devalued what she said.

More information from


Jeremy Jacobs said...

Agreed. "them people" and similar shows a lack of education.
Worst of all though, is the raised inflection.


Susan Heaton Wright said...

OOH YES!!! and the "And then, like, I went, like, to the shops!"
Are we showing our age over these particular mannerisms??