My dearest brother walked 6 miles to his school; only to find it was closed. However, he was able to advise parents that it was shut.
On the other hand, I have just heard a TA from my son's school had made an 'executive decision' not to come into school; yet was shopping at Tescos (round the corner from the school), in order that her husband's business had enough food to serve today. Goodness me; she's committed.
I know of people: including my husband; who had taken the time to plan his work today, so that he could complete it from home. Other businesses have had 'snow plans' in place; where execs have stayed in hotels close to their offices to avoid important meetings being cancelled, or they have provided access to the company website in order that they can work from home.
Small businesses that we have had dealings with have been in touch today, to say that their services aren't available today, due to staff not being able to come in, or that the premises haven't been opened. At least they have been professional enough to contact us.
So what does that tell me about your business if you aren't open, or are not communicating? What does it tell me about individuals who will not go the extra mile (i.e. by suggesting they work from home or plan their workload so they can complete it at home and be in touch by phone)?
Certainly I understand that it is impossible for some businesses to be open. I am, however, really pleased when the Pilates teacher calls to say that the lesson is cancelled and that I will be refunded. I am disillusioned by the TA who can't be bothered to come into school, yet is available to work at her husband's cafe. (The school was going to open, but people like her saying they couldn't come in, forced the head to change her decision). It is the 'duvet day' type people that give an organisation a really poor image and we wish to avoid this if we are a valuable organisation.
So... How do we communicate with our customers and clients that we ARE a professional company?
- Have an automated email message, stating you are open
- Redirect phone numbers to a home phone (you will have needed to do this before if you aren't in the office)
- If necessary, email or phone clients
- If you have to close or are not able to offer a particular service; let your customers know.
- Don't give in by appearing wimpy; keep going!
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