Monday, 2 March 2009

Don't lose it, use it

A few weeks ago, I blogged suggesting people were 'nice' to each other. This provoked a response from some of my readers. As you know I come from a working environment where 'High emotional levels' are a requirement. People have tantrums/shout and scream etc for effect as much as anything. So in another environment I believe that this isn't the most effective method of getting results.

However, I have just read the following article:

This states that it is GOOD to show emotion (I would agree) and also to show anger. To an extent I agree, BUT I have two reservations.

  1. If you 'lose it' by getting really angry - you have no where to go emotionally and also you lose control and possibly say things you regret later.
  2. There are occasions when 'showing your cards' or emotions can be a negative point (think of negotiating for a salary rise).
As with all emotions and communication styles, be very clear about what your desired outcomes are. If you are wanting to establish a relationship - losing your temper isn't a positive option, but if as a last resort you have to change someone's behaviour or attitude, it could be used - but be careful not to go into a blind rage.

You have been warned!


Jeremy Jacobs said...

Many years ago, I heard someone at a seminar say "one mustn't lose one's temper, it's better to find it"

Susan Heaton Wright said...

Brilliant comment: "Finding your temper" is finding your feelings but it implies that there is some control over your feelings. I will use that comment!!