Monday, 5 January 2009

Let's be pleasant to everyone - a New Year's Resolution

You possibly don't know that I am addicted to certain 'Reality Shows'; not the down market Big Brother rubbish, but the Strictly Come Dancing/The Restaurant/I'd do Anything/Last Choir Standing/The Apprentice type - and whilst grimacing at the singing: X Factor. I have just discovered the latest offering by Andrew Lloyd Webber to find a singer to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest later this year.
As anyone familiar with Eurovision in recent years knows: it has been impossible for any UK entry to score points in double figures yet alone win the competition. This has, in part, been due to block voting by neighbouring countries: ex-Russian satellite states awarding Russian maximum points; ditto for Balkan nations and even the Scandinavians ganging together.
Terry Wogan's camp commentary of the event became more frustrated each year, and last year he threw a hissy fit. He has since resigned. Other countries - particularly in Eastern Europe, have accused of UK not taking the competition seriously...
Now - enter stage left, ALW; the world famous musical theatre composer of great musicals including Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar and Evita. He is known and respected throughout the world and his musicals have been performed throughout Europe. He's frustrated that UK underachieve at Eurovision. Instead of grumbling about block voting he has another game plan; he's going to be 'Nice' to everyone. Once the singer or singers have been chosen and he has written the song, he's going to visit Eastern European countries with the artiste and be friendly/pleasant and introduce the music. UK probably won't win, but you can bet that:
1. Other countries will warm to the sentiment of being pleasant rather than whingy/standoffish.
2. Other countries that take the competition seriously will recognise that UK are wanting to take it seriously too.
3. Hopefully other countries will like the song, having been introduced to it before the competition and VOTE for UK (and not just one point).
4. It will restore some good will between UK and other parts of Europe.
5. Hopefully it will prevent any gas blockades by Russia to UK.

ALW is being very clever; he isn't being arrogant or confrontational; rather he is being pleasant, empathising with other nations and just, well, trying to encourage people to like him and his music.

My message to you all is: why not have a resolution to be pleasant to people this year. Have a smile on your face - which always makes your voice sound better anyway; be polite to people; hold doors open; say thank you etc.... In these challenging economic times this is something that is free and can lead to very positive outcomes.

Thank you for reading this!

1 comment:

trainleaders said...

Well I must be a scumbag then (tee hee) liking elements of Celebrity Big Brother......!! Watching (from a psychological perspective of course)how egos wax and wayne and the stress of confined living and poor diet and messed up sleep patterns affect peoples attitudes.
Despite all agreeing on the first night to not back stab and gossip -where are we at already within 1 week?
They had good intentions of being nice but life has taken over......Is there not much to be learned from this viewing and microcosm of life?
Of course being pleasant is crucial in all relationships but sometimes we get tipped over the edge and need to let go.
When advising or working through an issue I sometimes actively encourage anger, aggression, sadness and general non niceness to relieve the stres and tension.
Can we move beyond nice to caring and thoughtful - isn't niceness just ignoring what may be going on - potentially exacerbating issues?