Friday, 7 October 2011

ageing voices

As sports people age, they are less agile: their performance levels reduce; their bodies are more likely to be injured, or niggling past injuries come to haunt them. They become slower and lose some strength.

However this description can also be used to describe using the voice; after all it is a physical process. As we get older, our voices reflect this. Not only is there 'wear and tear' on our vocal folds but our body loses strength to make the vocal sound so strong. The clear tone is sometimes lost and the power in our voices reduces. Our voices therefore become weaker, more shaky and make us sound older. The same happens when we are ill.
Interestingly, opera singers, when their vocal folds are examined, have very healthy folds because they take such care with their voices.
So if we wish to maintain a youthful, fresh voice, what do we need to do. Here are some tips to make yourself aware of your voice and aging.

  • It might be fun to shout and scream at concerts or at Adventure parks, but you would be surprised at the number of people that strain their voices by shouting and screaming. This can lead to genuine damage, making your voice husky and reducing the volume in your voice. If you do strain your voice and it doesn't recover, see your GP.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water; if you are dehydrated, the body produces mucus to protect the larynx making it sound husky and foggy.
  • Look at how you stand and your posture. Your voice will sound better if you are in an upright position (sitting or standing) when your chest is open and shoulders down.
  • Remember to keep up your breathing exercises! Much of the strength of your voice comes from breathing from your abdominal area and supporting your diaphragm.
  • Keep practising; if you regularly speak to other people, whether on the telephone, in meetings or even at public events, you will maintain your confidence.
  • Smile and enjoy; just because you are getting older doesn't mean you don't have a voice or anything of interest to say - you certainly do!

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