We've all had microphone gaffs in the performing world. I remember forgetting to switch off my radio mic during a show, and after my scene nipping down to order a drink in the bar.... which the audience all heard. Mercifully this didn't lose me an election, although I had a serious note from the director! I have never made that mistake again.
What surprises me about Gordon Brown's mic-gaff is that he is highly trained to use microphones; deal with the public and well, be a politician complete with two faces. GB does find it challenging to meet 'real people' and in the case of Mrs Duffy, she was an articulate, passionate lady who had supported the Labour Party for many years. She had also participated in a number of Party campaigns. She was controlled and had a right to voice her opinion and concerns. By all accounts, the discussion was conducted well and GB didn't leave it with his image dented.
However, leaving your mic on when you get in a car to be incredibly rude about a member of the general public: someone who could vote for you is unacceptable. The fact he'd slimed up to her - even discussing the colour of her blouse, then be personal is dreadful. Yes; when you are in the privacy of your home or car, you do let off steam. But this wasn't a challenging 'confrontation'. GB was also looking for someone to blame in his team. By leaving his mic on GB revealed more about himself; how he viewed his team AND the general public than any staged debate or Number 10 leaks.
GB is an experienced media animal. He has aides and 'experts' to advise him on every facet of his media image. He will certainly have had media training - which includes using a microphone. One of the rules is, never say anything until the mic is switched off. In fact another rule is: don't say anything of a private nature until you are in the privacy of your home, when you KNOW there are no mics around. Duh!
For expert training and a masterclass in connecting with clients, customers and colleagues "Speak, Connect, Engage" is on 7th July Click here for more details I recommend GB attends.
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